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Invisalign For An Improved Smile in Wesley Chapel, FL

Apex Dental
Trust your smile to our dental experts! We are here for your every dental need.
BY Apex Dental

Smile improving dental treatments are essential for people who want to achieve beautiful and straighter teeth. A wide variety of treatments are being offered to cater each's needs from beautifying the teeth, to restorations, and even for correcting the teeth’s misalignments. People do not only mind the results but also the appearance of the treatment itself without compromising the overall results. With that in mind, we at Apex Dental provides a discreet and effective treatment for fixing teeth misalignments with the help of Invisalign.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a specific brand of clear aligner which is made of transparent and flexible thermoplastic materials custom-made for each patient depending on the treatment plan set by the dentist. It can gradually move the teeth to its proper position without exerting too much pressure on the teeth that may cause pain or discomfort.

How Does Invisalign work?

The dentist will first evaluate the status of the patient’s teeth; its position and misalignment to determine if the issue is qualified for an Invisalign treatment. After the evaluation, impressions of the will be taken to serve as the model of the teeth that the dentist can manipulate to see the progress of the treatment plan to its final results. Once the dentist and patient have agreed on the expected outcome, the Invisalign trays will then be created at a laboratory and will be provided to the patient by set and sequence. The Invisalign trays should be worn every day for 20 - 22 hours and should only be removed during eating, brushing, and flossing. Proper aligner sequence should be followed when replacing the aligner trays every two weeks which can be performed by the patients themselves. It is vital to follow these guidelines to have an effective and efficient treatment in correcting the teeth’s alignment.

How to Properly Clean Invisalign?

Invisalign trays do not require any special solution for maintaining it clean. Practicing proper dental hygiene and care is sufficient for keeping both your teeth and aligners sanitized and healthy. For its adequate cleaning use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently clean the surface from the inside and out. Make sure not to brush it vigorously to avoid it from scratching. For rinsing, use cool or lukewarm water instead of using hot water that can cause the aligners to deform permanently.Invisalign is a good option for the patients who want to have comfortable and convenient treatment in attaining beautiful and perfectly aligned teeth which can boost their confidence and improve their smile.Let us help you improve the appearance and form of your teeth! Book your appointment with us at Apex Dental for Invisalign Treatment in Wesley Chapel. We are located at 1207 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Wesley Chapel, FL 33544.

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